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Public church of Hainewalde


The bells were recast during the new building of the church in the year 1710 at expense of the Mr. Colonel von Kanitz and his wife in Dresden under inclusion of new bell food, as latin inscription of the large bell reported. A renewed recasting took place in the year 1825, at which opportunity everyone of the three was verziert bells, which were been correct in E flat major, with which coats of lords of arms and symbols. Also a Chronostichon on everyone, which expresses a religious thought, was. They had together the substantial weight of 27 hundredweights 73 ½ Pound. The large bronze bells became 1917 in World War One melted and replaced by iron bells (2676 kP) in 1920.
Church tower view from west
The church was reconditioned in the last years from the outside completely (apart from roof of the church ship). That is to be owed to the application and the donation readiness of many inhabitants of Hainewalde to a large section. In this connection the former minister of the place is particularly emphasized.
The current church became from 1705 (foundation-stone 18,04.) until 1711 build and on 7 October of the latter yearly inaugurated, why the annual Kirchweihfest is always celebrated on Monday of the week, into which 7 of October falls. The building master was Mr. Jonas Kirchstein of Budissin. The church tower (50.50 meters) was covered by the plumber Friedrich Braeuer from Zittau; the stone-cutter was master Johann David Braeuer, citizens to fork in Bohemia. The Michael Hoppenhaupt then in Zittau produced the carpenter and sculptor work. The construction costses amounted to 11064 Taler, 10 groschens and 3 ½ Pfennig. From these the owner at that time of the manor, Mr. Obrist von Kanitz gave the major part. The church is simply, bright and roomy without special style. The cover (also those the Emporkirchen) is wonderful curved. At altar, pulpit and chapel of lords are artful wooden schnitzereien. A powerful gilded Kruzifixus with latin signature forms the focal point of the altar essay: Unus est Deus etc.. (it is a God etc..) 1. Tim. 2, 5-6. Over the crucifix God the father and the holy spirit is represented. The Hebrew federal name of God "Jehovah" radiates from windows multicolored in the height present down. On the right of the altar Mooses, over it the obedience of the law, is located in the right hand a circle, in a left heart with the number the 10 holding; left of the altar: Johannes the Taeufer, which shows a cross with that rights to the gekreuzigten Jesus and holds in that a linking, that a page with the inscription is: Ecce Agnus Dei qui tollit peccata mundi (see that is God lamb, which carries sin for the world). Over it the faith rests, in that linking a cup holding. The pulpit carries sign held at its front from angels, at the cover a representation of the holy spirit with the inscription: Verb Domini manet in aeternum (the word of the Lord remain in eternity). To linking the pulpit is a picture with a light, to to rights the one with a cross. Over the chapel of lords left the love is against God with a child in being situated position, who carries the words from HP 32, 11 on a page: Laetamini in domino et gloriamini omnes recti cordis (make you happy the Mr. etc.). On the head the statue carries a flame and has as symbol a book with a scull and the words: virtus expers sepulchri (the virtue does not know the grave). On the right the love is against the next with a light on the head, reminding of Jesus word: Let your light shine etc.. The symbol is a pelican. In the center over the chapel portrets of the Lord and the woman are of Kanitz with the foreign exchange: Spes confsa Deo (hope trusts on God) and Ad utrumque parata (ready for both, worry and happiness). On the tape, which holds the two portrets together of surrounding branches of palm, is: Longe et prope Mors et vita (far and close are death and life).

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